Sunday, December 11, 2011

He called me baby last night but didn't call me AT ALL today

Effective communication to me shouldn't be that hard.  Text me and say hey every now and then.  Call me to see how my day is going.  When you say, "text me later" and I follow through with that, text me back.  Answer my phone calls. Acknowledge that you were MIA all day.  COMMUNICATE.

N is horrible at communication.  I knew it since our first date and maybe I should have hit the ground running then.  The first time he asked me to hang out he Facebook messaged me and asked if I wanted to do dinner the following night.  I wasn't on FB, so he told me to text him my answer.  When I saw the message, I texted him and told him I would be interested in going to dinner and told him two possible times I was available.  To me, that meant he should confirm which time would work the next day.  Well ladies & gents, that is not what happened.  He called me at 6pm the next day (which isn't even one of the times I gave him).  I told him I already ate. Sorry. Then I asked him if he wanted to meet me at an icecream place instead.  He never answered.  Then he called me ten minutes later and said "I'm here...where are you?"  Red flag??? Probs. 

Ever since then, hanging out with him is the most confusing and complicated process.  I feel like it's a huge production every time we try to make plans.  This all should be a red flag.  Except for when it does work out and we do hang out, I really really really like him.  He makes me laugh and smile like no other.  His freaking long eye lashes get me everytime.  And the southern accent. Wow.  So instead of being smart about this and walking away from the situation, I hang on and put myself through the drama.  Maybe this up & down lifestyle could work for some people, but I'm not laid back to handle it and I think I'm pretty laid back.

All I ask is that you don't give me misleading information.  Don't say you'll call me at 6 and actually call me at 9.  Granted, things happen and once in awhile this is okay.  When it's a reoccurence however, it is not okay.  N called me yesterday on the way to his friend's birthday party just to say hey.  Of course our convo was flirty & perfect and he even called me BABY.  Big step right???  Then, he told me to text him later, so I did.  No answer back.  I called him tonight to say hi.  No call back.

Do I need to take this for what it is or walk away now before it gets really ugly???? 

I know what the logical thing to do is, but I never said that logical thinking was one of my greatest strengths. 

Is effective communication or lack thereof enough for me to walk away from a guy who gives me butterflies???



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