Friday, January 13, 2012

You want answers, we are going to try to get them

My roomies boyfriend MJ loves hearing my crazy dating stories and all of my guy drama.  He is also really great at advice and isn't afraid to tell the truth.

We all have so many questions about the male mind we wish we could answer.  Since we can't, I figured why not use MJ's honesty to find out some male perspective.  Granted, not EVERY male is alike, but at least this will give us a little bit of knowledge to go off of.

So here it is, our first Q & A session with the one the only, MJ (not to be confused with Michael Jordan or Michael Jackson)

Question 1: Why are guys able to hide their feelings so easily? Do they really not care?

Answer:  Guys do care until they hit that boiling point where they know they are never going to be happy.  When they get to that point they just say, "fuck it."

MJ used an example for this answer about a past relationship he had.  He described that this ex girlfiend and him would always have big, blow out fights that would always make him really upset.  Until that one last fight, he just couldn't take it anymore.  He knew it was never going to work and "never lost anymore sleep over it." 

I think that this does have to do with the fact that men typically tend to be more logical than women.  They see a lot of things in black and white and when they get to the point where they know it's not going to work, they deal with it and move on.  As women, we tend to throw our logic out the window in these situations and believe in the line, "love can conquer all."  Take away lesson from this, use your head just as much as your heart.  Don't think that love can ever be enough in dating.  If love is ALL you have, it's not going to be enough in the end.

Question 2: What does it take for a guy to commit?

Answer: This has less to do with age and more to do with stability.  Most guys are more concerned with the fact that they want to be providers.  They won't commit unless they know they can provide for themselves, their significant other, and anything else that comes down the pipeline.  It's not about age but about a sense of security.

Example:  MJ and my roomie dated when they both lived in CA and he wasn't ready to commit quite yet when they were living out there.  However, when he got transferred across the country and began working, he could more clearly see where his life was going to go within the next few years.  When he felt like he figured that out, he was ready to commit and he did. 

Question 3: What are three sure sign that a guy is into you?

Answer:  1. Introduce her to their friends.  2.  They incorporate her in their hobbies.  3.  Willing to try or experience her hobbies. (ex. shopping even though you really hate it)

MJ: You would think meeting the parents would be somewhere in here, but I don't think that's a big deal.  I think friends approval is 10 times more important than parents.  For guys, any girl you bring home unless she's trash/hooker style, the parents are going to like.

Now, if he's not introducing you to his family and you've been dating for 3 years you may have an issue, just sayin.

Pretty cut and dry and some good indications that I will start to look out for.

Thanks MJ!

Great first Q & A. Many more to come!

Trying to figure it all out,


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