Monday, January 23, 2012

Just Say NO :)


In defense of myself from the last blog, he was nice. Don't worry, I was already talking myself out of ever speaking to him again (he kind of looked like a foot).  That wasn't the worst one though....

While visiting my ex-roommate B a few months ago, she introduced me to her friend- he was a really nice guy and a professional basketball player in the Ukraine, but there were two issues:

I was so in love and would never think about doing anything like that, and he was coming on a little too strong for me.

Anyway, I went back to visit B last weekend, and we ran into him again at a party.  This time, he made no moves to hide what he wanted.  B and friends, thinking that they were hilarious, responded to his text to me that read:  "i wanna hook up."  They had made plans for us to hook up in a bathroom party.

Number one...he probably has diseases
Number two....I could never, ever, ever hook up in a bathroom.  Sorry.

We escaped the party, but 20 minutes later, I had 6 missed calls and 7 texts.  I turned my phone off, and this man literally showed up at B's house.  Creepy.

C & I were discussing how we aren't the "hooking up" type.  People throw morals out the window so easily, and no one thinks of sex as being a big deal.  Unfortunately, there aren't many people who think this way anymore.  Sure, it would be nice to not twice about it, but in the end, you need to remember to respect yourself and save what's important for someone special.

I don't know about you all, but the next guy I meet that I actually like doesn't need to hear that I sleep around with everyone-

I think everyone has a gut feeling about what they should and shouldn't do, and if it's right, go with it.  Fortunately for me, a bathroom hook-up doesn't scream "romance."


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