Guys have a lot of experience in follow through outside of dating.
But what about relationships? Or a night of flirting at the bar? Where is the follow through in that situation?
I know T briefly touched on our bar excursions this weekend when she came to visit me, but I have my own little personal story to add into it.
So a couple of weekends ago I met this really cute (in my opinion..T later informed me that he looked like Jimmy Neutron) guy. He was 27, an engineer, had his life together, was really funny, and was really just a fun guy to talk to.
At one point we got to talking, and he let it slip that he had just broken off his engagement a few weeks ago. Ouch. I knew that he was probably damaged goods and it was probably better to walk away, but being the smart girl that I am, I continued to talk and flirt with him.
Long story short, he gave me his number and that was that.
I texted him the next day at like 5pm to say hey, and I got no response. I was pretty pissed at first, but figured it was probably because of the whole break up that he had just gone through and that he wasn't ready. I thought it had probably worked out for the best because I don't want to get tangled up in a mess of a situation anyway.
So when T was here last weekend, I saw this guy out. Lets call him Jimmy Neutron for shits and giggles (and to amuse T).
Jimmy Neutron spotted me from across the bar, looked at me, got wide-eyed, and looked away. He obviously recognized me. I then saw him whisper to his friend and kind of nudge my way. While trying to act nonchalant I was trying to look at his facial expressions while he was talking to his friend. He looked terrified.
Every single time I would go near him that entire night, he would sprint away. At one point, I just kept inching closer to his side of the bar to see what he would do. He literally looked the other direction.
Did he feel like a dickhead because he never answered my text?
Was he really with his fiance and there was never a broken engagement?
Did he see through my cool girl vibe and straight to my psycho ex girlfriend ways?
I really don't know.
The night we met, he was so into me. He was making plans with me for the next weekend and asked me if I had every been to a certain restaurant in town. When I said I hadn't he said that he was going to take me there because it was amazing??
Why do guys say these things when they really have no intention of doing them? Why did he act like he was into me if he obviously wasn't? Why didn't he just "go to the bathroom" 10 minutes into talking to me and never come back? Why did he spend the whole night trying to swoon me when he wanted nothing to do with me?
I hate that. I'd much rather have a guy be honest than say a bunch of shit and never follow through with it. Don't fake like me if you don't
Does anyone have feedback as to why this guy did that? Or why any guys act this way for that matter?
Theme song for the night:
I'll see you everyday, but you have to follow through,
I cannot stop reading all of your guys' blog postings...they are amazing! Wow this is similar to what I'm experiencing. I'm left pondering as to why this guy makes plans with me and then never follows through. He made(drunken text)plans with me. When I showed up at his place the next day he never answered the door, my phone call or text! Hadn't heard from him for 3 weeks until he ran into me at the bar the other night. I tried to be slightly standoffish but this guy has something over me. Not only did he come in with a lady friend (for real friend) but he basically ignored her and talked to me straight for 15+ min. After leaving I still have yet to hear from him. WTH is wrong with this you said, don't fake like me!