Monday, April 16, 2012

Blast From The Past

How do ex boyfriends have a radar that goes off when we are finally getting over them and moving on? They come out of nowhere or you give them an inch because you are a nice person and they take a freaking mile.

How do they KNOW when to do that? And better yet, how do they know how to get you hooked again without even having to put in that much effort.

I just want to scream:

I'M NOT GOING TO LET YOU IN AGAIN!!!!!!!! This is where it's helpful to be logical. I'm a huge feelings person and so I don't want to make anyone upset or cut off all ties with someone. I don't like to see people go out of my life so I keep them in even if they are self destructive.

Not this time. I'm taking my own advice to heart and being logical. Sometimes you need to be selfish and think about how someone or something is going to affect you.

Letting go of the past,



  1. Good for you C!! Sometimes you have to do what is best for YOU and screw their feelings. It's harsh but it's the only way you can find your happiness which you deserve so much.

  2. Thanks girl! I appreciate the support! :)
