Thursday, May 31, 2012

On The Prowl

I'm guilty of overusing the saying "on the prowl," but to be completely honest I think that it describes my lifestyle right now pretty perfectly.  I'm 100% absolutely on the prowl.  Everywhere I go....the grocery store, work, the gas station, the beach, a hotel, a tourist site, the gym, you name it...I'm on the prowl.  I'm constantly looking around, scoping out the scene and checking out the potential prospects that may be my future husband.

It's getting to the point where I'm slightly out of hand (some people would probably argue the slightly part).

My family and I were at a marathon volunteer event and I had scoped out every runner who was in my age range and stalked them out when they came to register.  That's when it hit me.  Actually, it really hit me when my uncle said......damn you are really on the prowl aren't you. 

All time low.

Why yes, yes I am on the prowl.....and here I am....single as ever with zero prospects besides my flakey ex boyfriend. 

Examples of how I am also on the prowl:

1. I constantly do laps at the bar and position myself next to the most attractive men to order a drink hoping they will spark up conversation or offer to buy my drink.

2.  Every single guy that I meet at work, I immediately look at his ring finger and try to decide if he's gay or has a girlfiend

3.  I've scoped out waiters in restaurants like it's my job and left my numbers on napkins.

There are so many other ways....more than I can count and some that are too embarrassing to have in writing.

Being on the prowl is super fun, exciting, and hilarious to write about but it hasn't gotten me anywhere.  Sometimes I wonder if maybe I am looking too hard for something that has to find me.

That brings me back to an earlier post about finding love or love finding you.  I had an interesting debate about this with a friend of mine and he gave me the usual advice of when you stop looking it will find you.  My response was...."do you really think that my dream man zac efron look alike is going to fall out of the sky and knock on my door?"  Probably not.  But at this point I feel like my on the prowl has slightly turned into desperation.  I want to find that special person so bad, and I probably am looking in all the wrong places. 

A happy medium seems to always be the answer.  I don't want to just sit on my ass and be completely oblivious about who's out there, but I also don't want to come across as looking too hard.

I want love to find me, and even though I'm on the prowl, I want to be pursued.  It's hard to find that balance.




  1. Wow I admire you for "being on the prowl"! I am normally far too lazy to do anything, which is also dumb. Just this weekend I decided I should start actively "looking" again, but prior to this whenever I told people I wasn't looking at all and boys were at the bottom of my priority list, they would tell me it'll happen bc you always find people when you're not looking. Which, given my attitude at the time, I thought was total bullshit anyway. LOL

    I think yes there is a fine balance, but at the same time a worthy man will pursue you. You dangle some bait, and see if they try to reel you in - and that's really where the balance lies! No harm at all in putting yourself out there, at least IMHO. :)

    Good luck, I look forward to continue reading about your adventures!

  2. Don't know how I just missed this comment! Thanks for your advice & personal stories! Hope you are still an avid reader of the blog...trying to make my posts more consistent!!
